Government Quotes - Page 8

The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry.
"WindFall: The End of the Affair". Book by William F. Buckley Jr., 1992.
Richard Henry Lee (1825). “Memoir of the Life of Richard H. Lee, and His Correspondence with the Most Distinguished Men in America and Europe”
"New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713". Concurring opinion, 1971.
Wendell Berry (2003). “The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry”, p.86, Counterpoint
"The Libertarian Reader: Classic and Contemporary Writings from Lao Tzu to". Book by David Boaz, 1997.
"The Heretic's Handbook of Quotations: Cutting Comments on Burning Issues". Book by Chaz Bufe, p. 26, 1992.
Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton (1932). “Jeffersonian principles and Hamiltonian principles: extracts from the writings of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton”
The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.
Ludwig Von Mises (1985). “Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War”, Libertarian Press
Charlie Chaplin, Kevin J. Hayes (2005). “Charlie Chaplin: Interviews”, p.121, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Thomas Sowell (2006). “Ever Wonder Why? and Other Controversial Essays”, Hoover Inst Press