Nixon probably was a nice guy.
We're actually saying, here's a principle that I'd like to arc toward. That's a very different role in life. I didn't expect [Barack] Obama to go to the root of things. I didn't expect him to have a principled position on anything. I mean, just pay some moderate attention to the guy.
After I had known [Barack Obama] for a while, I remember saying to my partner, "You know, this guy is really ambitious, I think he wants to be Mayor of Chicago." That was the limit of my imagination.
It was Frederick Douglass, John Brown, Harriet Tubman, Wendell Phillips - these were the people who made abolition real. Now, none of you guys is in favor of slavery, right?
Everyone who knew [Barack] Obama from being in Hyde Park knew he was the smartest guy in any room he walked into; a decent, compassionate, lovely person; pragmatic, middle-of-the-road and ambitious.
We're not exposed to a lot of guys.
I was never really obsessed with the whole guy thing to begin with.
For the longest time, I never thought I was intimidating to guys, but I'm kind of finding out that maybe there is some tiny thread of intimidation.
I think Donald Trump is totally unfit to be president of the United States. Let's not forget, this guy was one of the leaders of the so-called birther movement, which was an effort to delegitimize the presidency of the first African-American president we have ever had.
Rich get richer. Everyone else gets poorer. And all these guys can talk about is war and defunding Planned Parenthood.
If we didn't have Nico [Rosberg] and Lewis [Hamilton] in those cars - there's one or two guys down the field who in those cars would have delivered the same.
I've got a history of frustrating guys and making them angry.
I admire Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly a lot because I think they're standup guys.
Where Snah [Hans Magnus Ryan] is a melody and texture man, I am more of a riff, rhythm and concept guy. I am much better than him in certain fields, and he surely wipes the floor with me in others, and we both know it's like that.
I think God's a pretty fair guy.
What I agree with is that we need a significantly changed taxation system. And the one that I've advocated is based on tithing, because I think God is a pretty fair guy.
Villains used to always die in the end. Even the monsters. Frankenstein, Dracula - you'd kill them with a stake. Now the nightmare guy comes back.
You'd have to be pretty hard-nosed not to feel some sympathy for the guy [Doctor Strange].
The failure of The Cable Guy impacted my career. I had to start writing and acting again.
I'm a win-at-all-costs guy.
Breakthrough ideas usually come from guys who look like they're hallucinating
I think I'm the funniest guy in a room full of unfunny people.
The Phil Spector that I would meet has always been a nice, quiet, little guy who's very serious about his work; obviously you can tell that because each and everything he's ever done has always been charted.
I never really thought of myself as a beefcake kind of guy.
One guy told me I was a great actor, I just would never be on the cover of a magazine.