Heaven Quotes - Page 89
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 1, l. 748
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 5, l. 574
c.1631 Il Penseroso, l.167-74.
The strongest and the fiercest spirit That fought in heaven, now fiercer by despair.
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 2, l. 44
John Milton (1847). “The Poetical Works, of John Milton: With a Memoir and Seven Embellishments”, p.171
John Milton, John Hunter (1864). “Milton's Comus, L'allegro, and Il Penseroso: With Numerous Illustrative Notes &c”, p.27
John Milton, Sarah Siddons (1822). “The Story of Our First Parents: Selected from Milton's Paradise Lost: for the Use of Young Persons”, p.43
John Lyly (1858). “The Dramatic Works of John Lilly: Mydas. Mother Bombie. The woman in the moone. Love's metamorphosis. Notes”, p.119
"Imagine" (song) (1971)
'Bards of Passion and of Mirth' (1820)
Their woes gone by, and both to heaven upflown, To bow for gratitude before Jove's throne.
John Keats, Helen Vendler (1990). “Poetry Manuscripts at Harvard”, p.38, Harvard University Press
Pleasure never comes sincere to man; but lent by heaven upon hard usury.
John Dryden (1808). “The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes. Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author”, p.144
For mysterious things of faith, rely on the proponent, Heaven's authority.
John Dryden, Paul Hammond, David Hopkins (2007). “Dryden: Selected Poems”, p.399, Pearson Education
The good we have enjoyed from Heaven's free will, and shall we murmur to endure the ill?
John Dryden (1808). “Dramatic works”, p.162
John Dryden (1993). “The Works of John Dryden, Volume XIV: Plays; The Kind Keeper, The Spanish Fryar, The Duke of Guise, and The Vindication”, p.116, Univ of California Press
John Dryden, Joseph Warton, John Warton (1811). “The Poetical Works of John Dryden: Containing Original Poems, Tales, and Translations”, p.187
So softly death succeeded life in her, She did but dream of heaven, and she was there.
John Dryden (1808). “The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes. Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author”, p.136
John Connolly (2006). “The Book of Lost Things: A Novel”, p.339, Simon and Schuster