The man who boldly transgresses, amassing a great heap unjustly--by force, in time, he will strike his sail, when trouble seizes him as the yardarm is splintered. He calls on those who hear nothing and he struggles in the midst of the whirling waters. The god laughs at the hot-headed man, seeing him, who boasted that this would never happen, exhausted by distress without remedy and unable to surmount the cresting wave. He wrecks the happiness of his earlier life on the reef of Justice, and he perishes unwept, unseen.
As a Latino growing up in Spanish harlem, it's not easy trying not to be hot-headed.
It is debatable which is causing us more harm - hot-headed ignorance or cold-hearted intellectualism.
(I'm) much more ... standoffish and hot headed, more intense (than Rashad). Not so dead set on doing the right thing more so than the right now thing; at that age anyway.