A store in Houston is selling Donald Trump piñatas filled with candy. So finally something good is going to come out of Donald Trump.
There are places in America that have not just protected middle-class neighborhoods but reduced homelessness. Even places like Houston have been able to reduce homelessness among veterans. It's a pretty shameful situation.
When you're a pitcher for the Houston Astros and a stranger notices you in a mall in Colorado, you know things have really changed.
There was an edge of, 'Go away kid, you're bothering me'. I've kicked myself a million times since. I could've discovered Whitney Houston.
A huge Chinese population here in... Houston.
Mariah and Whitney Houston were my goddesses growing up.
I think the problems with being older come when your body cannot do what your mind wants. Then, Houston, we have a problem.
Whitney Houston came in. Someone dared me to do "the Gap act" on her. You know, the Gap act. So I went up to her like I didn't know who she was, and I said, 'Hi, I just wanted to let you know about our sale items and make sure to check out our new colors'. She looked at me like I was crazy.
There's nothing funny about flying to Houston.
I know I'm no Whitney Houston.