Winning is about having the whole team on the same page.
In basketball, you can be the greatest individual player in the world and still lose every game, because a team will always beat an individual.
There are four pillars to happiness, which is the ultimate goal in life-to be happy. Health is first, family is second, home is third. That safe place where you can go to and regroup, be in a safe place by yourself start over. Those three things lead to the fourth pillar which is the hope and dream that tomorrow is going to be better. Without that you have not much at all.
If you're living for today, if you're only dreaming about yesterday, it doesn't work. You got to know that tomorrow is going to be better. Then you're on your way.
When everybody thinks alike, nobody thinks.
Never forget - happiness ends when selfishness begins.
Love is the single most powerful and important word and notion in culture and language. Until the power of love supersedes the love of power we have no chance of ever being successful.
Success at the highest level comes down to one question: Can you decide that your happiness can come from someone else's success?
No matter how good you get, there's always something further out there.
At 49, I can say something I never would have said when I was a player. I am a better person because of my failures and disgraces.
I'm a different person today than I was yesterday. I live for the moment and everything that happens in my life changes me.
I could smell colors, I could feel sounds.
Mick Jagger is in better shape than far too many NBA players. It's up in the air whether the same can be said of Keith Richards.
I live by the motto of "chase your dream, make your dream your job, make your job your life."
I went to my first show [of the Grateful Dead], got right up front and never left. The incredible excitement, the family, the spirit, the hope, the happiness, all the different things I love and live for in life are there. The joy, the optimism, the teamwork, the experimentation, the exploration, the curiosity. No band has inspired more artwork, no band has inspired more books. No band has ever inspired a more loyal following and I'm involved in all of that stuff.
The Grateful Dead, they're my best friends. Their message of hope, peace, love, teamwork, creativity, imagination, celebration, the dance, the vision, the purpose, the passion all of the things I believe in makes me the luckiest Deadhead in the world.
When I think of Boris Diaw, I think of Beethoven in the age of the romantics
I've had 36 orthopedic operations, have two fused ankles, my knees, hands and wrists don't work, I now have a fused spine, other than that, everything is great.
I believe in science and evolution. I've been to the Grand Canyon.
Basketball is one of those rare opportunities where you can make a difference, not only for yourself, but for other people as well.
There are no guarantees in life. The simple twists of fate and the breaks of the game are the two maxims that define so much of the success and failure in life.
Music is critical in our lives and culture. It's the inspiration that drives us. It's also the window to our souls. It's a reflection as to who we are, what we stand for and where we're going.
When you find yourself talking about less and less and forgetting the love that you bring, never forget there are things you can replace but others you can not.
A lot of people understand what not saying anything means, so, in effect, not saying anything is really saying a lot.
I had the only beard in the Western Hemisphere that made Bob Dylan's look good.