Hypocrisy Quotes

"New Lamps for Old". Nine articles by Sri Aurobindo in the "Indu Prakash" (a Bombay daily newspaper), August 21, 1893.
Oscar Wilde (2000). “The Plays of Oscar Wilde”, p.187, Wordsworth Editions
You and I have never seen democracy; all we've seen is hypocrisy.
"The Ballot or The Bullet (Detroit Version)". Malcolm X's speech at a meeting sponsored by the Congress for Racial Equality in Detroit, Michigan, April 12, 1964.
You have to live with the people in hypocrisy for them to stay happy with you.
"Me and Rumi: The Autobiography of Shams-I Tabrizi". Book by Shams Tabrizi, translated by William C. Chittick, 2004.
Napoleon Bonaparte “Napoleon in his own words from the French of Jules Bertaut”, Рипол Классик
In our democracy officers of the government are the servants, and never the masters of the people.
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1941). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: F.D. Roosevelt, 1941, Volume 10”, p.40, Best Books on
"Fictional character: Doc Holliday". "Tombstone", 1993.
'The Importance of Being Earnest' (1895) act 2
'On Revolution' (1963) ch. 2
Emanuel Lasker (2013). “Lasker's Manual of Chess”, p.9, Courier Corporation