Ideas Quotes - Page 168
Paul Feyerabend (1975). “Against method: outline of an anarchistic theory of knowledge”, Verso
You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.
Pablo Picasso (1972). “Picasso on art: a selection of views”, Viking Adult
Olive Schreiner (1988). “Olive Schreiner Letters: 1871-1899”, Oxford University Press, USA
Norman Cousins (1967). “Present Tense; an American Editor's Odyssey”
Neil Postman (2011). “Conscientious Objections: Stirring Up Trouble About Language, Technology and Education”, p.113, Vintage
Natalie Goldberg (2016). “Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within”, p.40, Shambhala Publications