Do you know what the definition of insane is? Yes. It’s the inability to relate to another human being. It’s the inability to love.
Hell is the suffering of being unable to love.
I think that the inability to love is the central problem, because that inability masks a certain terror, and that terror is the terror of being touched. And if you can't be touched, you can't be changed. And if you can't be changed, you can't be alive.
Old people love to give good advice; it compensates them for their inability to set a bad example.
I never asked you to earn me. I want only that you should need me. Your path is not one of merit. Bring the recurring desires of your mind to me, every time they emerge. They cannot shock me, for I willed them! Bring me your confusion, your fear, your craving, your anxiety, your inability to love the world, your hesitation to serve, your jealousy, all the deficiencies that defy your spiritual disciplines.
Hell is the inability to love.
The #1 problem most patients face is the inability to love themselves