Increase Quotes - Page 9
Rapid increases in the quantity of money produce inflation. Sharp decreases produce depression.
Milton Friedman (1994). “Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History”, p.277, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Jenny Holzer, Noemi Smolik (1996). “Jenny Holzer: writing”
The tendency of welfare spending in the United States has been to increase at an exponential rate.
Henry Hazlitt, Hans F. Sennholz (1993). “The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt”, Foundation for Economic Education
George Walker Bush, John W. Dietrich (2005). “The George W. Bush Foreign Policy Reader: Presidential Speeches and Commentary”, p.162, M.E. Sharpe
Francis Quarles (1844). “Enchiridion Institutions, Essays and Maxims, political, moral & divine. Divided into four centuries. By Francis Quarles”, p.67
You dramatically increase your value to others if you always maintain a calm and pleasant manner.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin (2009). “Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money”, p.123, John Wiley & Sons
Adolf Hitler (1942). “The Speeches of Adolf Hitler: April 1922-August 1939”
Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases.
Stephen Hawking (1993). “Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes”, p.246, World Scientific Publishing Co Inc