I am looking forward and I am hoping that I will be the catalyst that makes India and Pakistan live in peace forever.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Obama, Thank you for sending me Christmas and New Year greetings yet again. Welcome back to India... Would have loved to host you at my concert in Baroda on the 26th!
I grew up in Columbus, Indiana, a kind of industrial and farmland place.
There's a whole form of literature in India which talks about the quest for the perfect man by a woman, where every woman looks for a perfect man but only ends up with half that.
Millions of Indians are brimming with energy.
Let's fight against corruption for a better India
The Budget is in line with our vision for a skilled & digital India, guided by Mantra of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas'.
People's participation is the essence of good governance.
If we want the world to be a better place to live, we have to treat it as one unit. If we want economic growth to be pervasive, we have to make people its partners. If we want the process of development to be sustainable, we have to work with the environment.
Mere good governance is not enough; it has to be pro-people and pro-active. Good governance is putting people at the center of development process.
I dream of a Digital India where access to Information knows no barriers.
In my father's language: "To create something out of nothing." That possibility exists in India even in old-world sectors like agriculture.
Playwriting, like begging in India, is an honorable but humbling profession.
You go to India and you see the poorest village somewhere in the middle of India. And the poor family is happier than any rich billionaire in this country because of spirituality.
India was a late comer to industrialization, and as such, we have contributed very little to the accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. But we are determined to be part of the solution to the problem.
This is how you falsify reality, ... The problem in India is not the Islamic fundamentalists. It's the Hindu fundamentalists, who will destroy India in the end.
Take an Indian home to lunch.
The most startling aspect of the nutrition situation in India is that it is not much of an issue in public debates and electoral politics.
Sixty percent of the vegetables you see in the supermarkets came from the American Indians. They also gave us aspirin and quinine. And their model of government parallels our Senate. But their women elected the chiefs, and impeached them.
I am very glad to hear that the Gardener has saved so much of the St foin seed, & that of the India Hemp. Make the most you can of both, by sowing them again in drills... Let the ground be well prepared, and the Seed (St foin) be sown in April. The Hemp may be sown any where.
India has created a special momentum in world history as a country to be searched for knowledge.
China is building cities for a 20 to 40 percent increase in population. India is quickly growing. The carbon footprints of that and other development around the world are overwhelming.
The vastest knowledge of today cannot transcend the buddhi of the Rishis in ancient India; and science in its most advanced stage now is closer to Vedanta than ever before.
Grant me thirty years of equal division of inheritances and a free press, and I will provide you with a republic.
Religion and religion alone is the life of India, and when that goes India will die, in spite of politics, in spite of social reforms, in spite of Kubera's wealth poured upon the head of every one of her children.