Indispensable Quotes - Page 2

Criticism and dissent are the indispensable antidote to major delusions.
"The Loyalty of Free Men". Book by Alan Barth, 1951.
Peter Høeg (2013). “Borderliners: A Novel”, p.156, Macmillan
You have confidence in yourself, which is valuable, if not an indispensable quality.
Abraham Lincoln (1989). “Abraham Lincoln: Speeches & Writings Part 2: 1859-1865: Library of America #46”, p.434, Library of America
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1968). “The portable Nietzsche: selected and translated, with an introd., pref. and notes”, Viking Pr
Professionals who are prayerful and productive are indispensable!
Edwin Louis Cole (1993). “Real Man”, Thomas Nelson Inc
Alike for the nation and the individual, the one indispensable requisite is character.
Theodore Roosevelt (2012). “In the Words of Theodore Roosevelt: Quotations from the Man in the Arena”, p.60, Cornell University Press
Rick Yancey (2010). “The Monstrumologist: The Terror Beneath”, p.260, Simon and Schuster
Perry Brass (1998). “The Lover of My Soul: A Search for Ecstasy and Wisdom”, p.29, Perry Brass
James Branch Cabell (2013). “The Essential James Branch Cabell Collection”,
"Those Without Shadows". Book by Françoise Sagan, 1957.