
Individuality Quotes - Page 16

The fifth freedom, the Freedom of Individual Enterprise, is the keystone of the arch on which the other Four Freedoms rest. This is what freedom means.

Nicholas Murray Butler (1943). “What Does Freedom Mean?: An Address Delivered at the Parrish Memorial Art Museum, Southampton, Long Island, September 5, 1943”

True individuality can be lonely.

Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman (2014). “First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently”, p.101, Simon and Schuster

When the labourer co-operates systematically with others, he strips off the fetters of his individuality, and develops the capabilities of his species.

Karl Marx, Samuel Moore, Edward Aveling, Friedrich Engels (2011). “Capital, Volume I: A Critique of Political Economy”, p.361, Courier Corporation

Your labor only may be sold, your soul must not.

John Ruskin (1905). “The Complete Works of John Ruskin”

Profundity and originality are attributes of single, if not singular, minds.

Edwin Herbert Land (1983). “Selected papers on industry”