Karl Marx Quotes
Karl Marx (2007). “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - The Process of Capitalist Production”, p.709, Cosimo, Inc.
Erich Fromm, Karl Marx (2013). “Marx's Concept of Man: Including 'Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts'”, p.105, Bloomsbury Publishing
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (1975). “Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: collected works”
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Critique of the Gotha Program pt. 1 (1875).
A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of Communism.
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Philip Gasper (2005). “The Communist Manifesto: A Road Map to History's Most Important Political Document”, p.68, Haymarket Books
Karl Marx (1973). “Political writings”
The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.
Erich Fromm, Karl Marx (2013). “Marx's Concept of Man: Including 'Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts'”, p.122, Bloomsbury Publishing