I was really scared that other girls hated me, that I wasn't pretty enough or cool enough or I didn't have enough Instagram followers or whatever. Finding female friendship was such a monumental point in my life. And I never want somebody to feel like they have to re-evaluate themselves to join my friends or to join any friend-group.
What you're seeing, certainly on Instagram, is not real, not a reflection of real life, not an interaction.
Instagram is a great example of you just doing your thing.
Facebook, instagram - I prefer visual communication better than verbal. But I read all the comments, answering too.
I'm even old-school Instagram. I'm here for your "What did you have to eat today?" I'm fine with that.
I actually enjoy Instagram. I enjoy seeing what people who I have some connection to are doing around the globe.
I don't feel that my life, my professional life, is married to a reliance upon Instagram.
I am very active on Instagram and love connecting with people there.
I guess they still show the movie in school, so around the time of movie showing, my Facebook inbox and my Instagram DM is flooded. "Are you the Quindon Tarver from the movie Romeo + Juliet? Oh my god, you did a great job."
Jealousy likes photos, that's why instagram is such a hit.
The invention of Instagram and Twitter has made, like, a big difference. Because you can just talk to anybody. And find anybody, it feels like.
The s - t I put on Instagram, in a lot of ways, I'm making fun of what it actually is. Some of the things I put on there are absolutely ridiculous because parts of my life are absolutely ridiculous.
I am not on Facebook. I'm not on Instagram. I only use Twitter, which I wish I didn't.
If you watch my Instagram and the quotes I wrote, everything is personal and it's all coming from me.
We're all not exactly the same person online that we are in real life. I am not as happy as my Instagram makes me look. We are all heightening the positives and downplaying the negatives.
A lot of the earliest Instagram celebrities took really beautiful photos. But you're starting to see a change where it's not about beauty; it's about the story that you tell.
We're just taking people and shifting them from taking photos anyway to taking them on Instagram.
If you include quotes with your Instagram photos, you need to look at your life.
I have a new rule where I only follow fashion people on Instagram.
You never know anymore if you'll see something you don't want to see, if you're jealous of something, if you're going through a breakup and you see something, so I just don't even look at those things any more [ in Instagram].
I have an Instagram [account] but I don't feel a lot of love with it.
That's kind of the mystique If you [post your outfit] on Instagram all of the time, I'm going to see a bunch of people walking around looking like Shump.
I took Instagram off my phone! I took it off because I found I was looking at it too much.
Social media, where I'm head and shoulders above everybody else. I've read now 22 million people on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. More than 22 million people. Nobody else is even close.
All the shows are immediately on the Internet, on Instagram, on Twitter, it's huge. Everything is live now, and for fashion, it's very important. It's not that it's good or bad, it's just like that and it's not going to change so we have to adapt to it.