
Introducing Quotes

When there’s an elephant in the room introduce him.

When there’s an elephant in the room introduce him.

YouTube Channel "Carnegie Mellon University"/"Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams", December 20, 2007.

We can’t solve problems for others. We can introduce them to the Lord.

Corrie Ten Boom (1985). “Jesus is Victor”, Fleming H Revell Company

It is our duty to do all we can to introduce every generation to Christ.

Dr. Henrietta C. Mears (2016). “Sunday School Changes Everything”, p.15, NavPress

I'm pretty good with not being afraid to just go up to people and introduce myself.

"Elle Fanning Spills Her Biggest Fashion Risk!". Interview with Neha Gandhi, December 29, 2011.

Nothing could be more dangerous to the existence of this Republic than to introduce religion into politics

Robert Green Ingersoll (1907). “The works of Robert G. Ingersoll”, p.1408, Library of Alexandria

The affectation of some late authors to introduce and multiply cant words is the most ruinous corruption in any language.

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth (1754). “The Works of Jonathan Swift: Accurately Revised in Twelve Volumes, Adorned with Copper-plates. With Some Account of the Author's Life and Notes, Historical and Explanatory”, p.325

One hundred artists introduce us to one hundred worlds.

"Abstract Expressionist Painting in America". Book by William Chapin Seitz, p. 136 : in Artists Club, January 8, 1952, 1983.