
Invincible Quotes

If I was invincible, maybe I would take up some extreme sports.

"Getting to Know: Tom Welling". Interview with Audrey Fine, September 27, 2006.

Those who love each other shall become invincible.

Walt Whitman (2008). “Leaves of Grass: A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems, 1860-1867”, p.373, NYU Press

Curiosity is the one thing invincible in Nature.

Freya Stark (1977). “Bridge of the Levant 1940-43”

All invincible and stuff

Rick Riordan (2009). “Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian”, p.129, Penguin UK

I shall be glad when you have strangled the invincible respectability that dogs your steps.

D. H. Lawrence, George J. Zytaruk, James T. Boulton (2002). “The Letters of D. H. Lawrence”, p.352, Cambridge University Press

The self-evident truth which makes men invincible is that inalienably they are inviolable persons.

Walter Lippmann (1938). “The good society”, p.375, Transaction Publishers

I've never felt invincible. I've never used that word to describe me ever.

Serena Williams during U.S. Open Press Conference, September 5, 2015.

The power of women united, I am again reminded, is an invincible thing.

Sarah Strohmeyer (2008). “Sweet Love”, p.54, Penguin