Kindness Quotes - Page 8

Mark Twain (2017). “MARK TWAIN: 12 Novels, 195 Short Stories, Autobiography, 10 Travel Books, 160+ Essays & Speeches (Illustrated): Including Letters & Biographies – The Complete Works of Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn, The Innocents Abroad, Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Life on the Mississippi…”, p.4595, e-artnow
There's nothing so kingly as kindness, And nothing so royal as truth.
Alice Cary (1876). “The Last Poems: Of Alice and Phoebe Cary”, p.72
Lee Wulff (1989). “The compleat Lee Wulff: a treasury of Lee Wulff's greatest angling adventures”, Dutton Adult
Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness.
Confucius (2005). “The Ethics of Confucius”, p.124, Cosimo, Inc.
Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy (1837). “The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: With an Essay on His Life and Genius /c by Arthur Murphy, Esq”, p.95
Kurds are like fire, if approached kindly they will warm you, if approached badly they will burn you
"Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh". Book by Bahá'u'lláh edited and translated by Shoghi Effendi, 1935.
Fred Rogers (1995). “You Are Special: Words of Wisdom for All Ages from a Beloved Neighbor”, p.23, Penguin
Thomas Merton (2015). “Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation”, p.22, Sounds True
Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Glorious Thoughts of Gandhi: Being a Treasury of about Ten Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thougths of Mahatma Gandhi, Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”