
Kings Quotes - Page 95

Others import yet nobler arts from France, Teach kings to fiddle, and make senates dance.

Alexander Pope, William Roscoe (1847). “The works of Alexander Pope, esq., with notes and illustrations, by himself and others. To which are added, a new life of the author, an Estimate of his poetical character and writings, and occasional remarks by William Roscoe, esq”, p.361

I grew up on Stephen King, reading the books. I love the small town, 1950s feel to it, that nostalgia, and that old America. What happens when something weird starts happening to all these people, something other-worldly, something demonic?

"'Under The Dome' Premiere: Alexander Koch And Britt Robertson On Junior And Angie’s Twisted Romance". Interview with Laura Prudom, June 24, 2013.

I think the most fun I ever had was playing King Arthur in Spamalot on the West End.

"Alan Dale: The Nicest Bad Guy in The Biz". Interview with Jarett Wieselman, February 6, 2013.

Like Patience gazing on kings' graves, and smiling Extremity out of act.

William Shakespeare, Edmond Malone (1821). “The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: Pericles. Titus Andronicus. Addenda. Indexes”, p.200