
Libya Quotes

I have been to Libya and walked the streets of Benghazi myself.

I have been to Libya and walked the streets of Benghazi myself.

"State of the Union With Candy Crowley", September 16, 2012.

I am a Bedouin warrior who brought glory to Libya and will die a martyr.

"Defiant Gaddafi refuses to leave, says will die a martyr in Libya". February 22, 2011.

I do not honestly know what is really happening in Libya at the moment but it must be very hard for Gaddafi and his family.

"Football transfer rumours: Arsenal to bid farewell to Emmanuel Eboué?" by Barney Ronay, April 19, 2011.

When President Obama in 2011 used military power against the Qaddafi regime in Libya, he did not even notify Congress. A few in Congress mumbled, but did nothing.

Marvin Kalb (2013). “The Road to War: Presidential Commitments Honored and Betrayed”, p.3, Brookings Institution Press

The situation in Syria is quite different from Libya.

"Q&A with Fareed Zakaria on Gadhafi's death". The CNN Interview, October 20, 2011.

I'm only interested in Libya if we keep the oil. If we don't keep the oil, I'm not interested.

"Donald Trump on a Potential Presidential Run". "NBC Today Show" with Meredith Vieira, April 7, 2011.

Libya is still a mess right now.


Libyans have to work together for a new Libya. They should keep in place the sinews of security.

"Libyans must avoid post-Gaddafi revenge attacks, says Britain" by Mark Tran, August 22, 2011.