
Life Is Quotes - Page 3

Life is what we make of it. Travel is the traveler. What we see isn't what we see but what we are.

Fernando Pessoa (2007). “The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa”, p.348, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.

The day you make a decision about your life is the day your world will change.

Mike Murdock (2012). “Wisdom For Winning”, p.227, Wisdom International Inc

God has allowed hard things in your life so you can show the world that your God is great and that knowing Him brings peace and joy, even when life is hard.

Francis Chan, Preston Sprinkle (2014). “The Francis Chan Collection: Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, and Multiply”, p.30, David C Cook

Behind every problem in your life is a rich blessing.

Bo Sanchez “Don't Worry, Be Happy”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.

The law of life is the law of belief.

Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D. (2002). “Think Yourself to Health, Wealth, & Happiness: The Best of Dr. Joseph Murphy's Cosmic Wisdom”, p.56, Penguin