Light Quotes - Page 170
"SCUM Manifesto". Book by Valerie Solanas, p. 1, 1967.
Ursula K. Le Guin (2012). “The Farthest Shore”, p.124, Simon and Schuster
Thomas Merton (2009). “A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life, The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 3: 1952-1960”, p.39, Harper Collins
"Essays on Goethe (Goethe's Works)". Book by Thomas Carlyle, 1888.
Theodore Roethke (2011). “The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke”, p.165, Anchor
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Mark Dahlby (2004). “The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep”, p.63, Motilal Banarsidass Publ.
Tennessee Williams (2004). “A Streetcar Named Desire”, p.115, New Directions Publishing
"Ash-Wednesday" l. 188 (1930)
T. S. Eliot (2014). “Complete Poems and Plays, 1909-1950”, p.121, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Sylvia Plath (2015). “Collected Poems”, p.153, Faber & Faber
When I fell out of the light, I entered The stomach of indifference, the wordless cupboard.
Sylvia Plath (2010). “The Colossus”, p.72, Faber & Faber
Sylvia Plath (2010). “Ariel”, p.18, Faber & Faber