Light Quotes - Page 220
"Half-Truths and One-And-A-Half Truths". Book by Karl Kraus, translated by Harry Zohn, 1986.
Julian Schnabel (1987). “CVJ: nicknames of maitre D's & other excerpts from life”, Random House Inc
If there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning.
Jules Verne (1969). “20,000 leagues under the sea”, Signet Classics
Joseph Conrad (2012). “Heart of Darkness: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)”, p.19, Penguin
Joseph Campbell, Bill D. Moyers (1988). “The Power of Myth”, Harmony
Joseph Addison (1868). “The Works of Joseph Addison”, p.497
Joseph Addison, H. Baldwin (imp.) (1779). “The Works of the English Poets”, p.44
"Martí : Thoughts/Pensamientos" edited by Carlos Ripoll, 1994.
'On Poetry' (1733) l. 85
Jonathan Edwards, Sereno Edwards Dwight (1830). “Narrative of surprising conversions. Thoughts on the revival in 1740. Qualifications for communion. Reply to Williams”, p.78
Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright, But looked to near, have neither heat nor light.
'The Duchess of Malfi' (1623) act 4, sc. 2, l. 148
John Steinbeck (1993). “Cannery Row”, p.8, Penguin
John Ruskin (1888). “Modern Painters (Complete)”, p.743, Library of Alexandria
John Ruskin (1855). “Notes on Some of the Principal Pictures Exhibited in the Rooms of the Royal Academy, the Old and New Societies of Painters in Water Colours, the Society of British Artists and the French Exhibition”