Flight Quotes
Edgar Allan Poe (1927). “Tales by Edgar Allan Poe”, p.35, Dimitrios Spyridon Chytiris
"The Ethical Treatises".
Song: Kite, Album: The Kick Inside, 1978
We prove God by showing active faith, which puts to flight all adverse appearances
Florence Scovel Shinn (2016). “The Complete Collection (with the book "The Power of the Spoken Word")”, p.99, Florence Scovel Shinn
Camille Paglia (2018). “Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism”, p.26, Canongate Books
Edward Young, Charles Edward DE COETLOGON (1793). “Night thoughts on life death and immortality ... to which are added the life of the author and a paraphrase on part of the Book of Job”, p.38
Radmacher, Mary Anne (2015). “Lean Forward into Your Life: Listen Hard, Live with Intention, and Play with Abandon”, p.2, Conari Press
Wernher Von Braun (1969). “Space Frontier”