Light Quotes - Page 235
Anatole France (1924). “On life & letters”
Ambrose Bierce (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Ambrose Bierce (Illustrated)”, p.2446, Delphi Classics
Allen Tate (2014). “Collected Poems, 1919-1976”, p.193, Macmillan
Allan Bloom (2008). “Closing of the American Mind”, p.167, Simon and Schuster
Alice Walker (1990). “The Temple of My Familiar”
Alice Walker (1990). “The Temple of My Familiar”
Algernon Charles Swinburne (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne (Illustrated)”, p.1524, Delphi Classics
'Crossing the Bar' (1889)
Alexander Pope, Alexander Dyce (1866). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. ...”, p.110
True disputants are like true sportsmen: their whole delight is in the pursuit.
Alexander Pope, Alexander Chalmers (1807). “A Supplementary Volume to the Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Containing Pieces of Poetry, Not Inserted in Warburton's and Warton's Editions : and a Collection of Letters, Now First Published”, p.120
Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
Statement to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, Massachusetts August 27, 1880. Published as "On the Production and Reproduction of Sound by Light", American Journal of Sciences, Third Series, Volume XX, No.118, pp. 305-324, October 1880.
My wish for you... is that your skeptic-eclectic brain be flooded with the light of truth.
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn (1973). “The First Circle”
Aleister Crowley (2010). “The Diary of a Drug Fiend”, p.360, Weiser Books
Aleister Crowley, John Symonds (1974). “The Complete Astrological Writings”, p.120, Dubois Publishing
Albert Schweitzer, Charles Rhind Joy (1947). “Albert Schweitzer: An Anthology”, Boston : Beacon Press
Alain de Botton (2007). “The Architecture of Happiness”, p.121, Penguin UK