We see a lot of people who decide to go out and teach meditation. They become so wrapped up in it that they stop progressing themselves and they really don't have that much more to teach.
You gain power through practicing meditation and concentration. You gain power by doing anything you like that makes you feel good. You gain power by being happy.
We are going to alter the structure of our beings and also totally change what we are. This is the possibility and inevitability that meditation offers us.
Programming will aid a person in developing their mind and will aid their meditation. I find that people who have pursued programming are doing much better in their meditation.
The logical and extralogical exercises you do in meditation are very similar to advanced systems analysis and programming.
Computer science is the most misunderstood field there is. You are being paid to solve puzzles. For a person who has practiced meditation in past lives, that is the way your mind works.
Don't preach about meditation.
Chi is developed through meditation, through studying with one who has a great deal of it.
Meditation will bring back the powers and awareness from the past; more importantly, it will expand your consciousness today.
In advanced meditation there are methods and formations of joining the mind with the various aggregate aspects of the universe, fusing it, dissolving it, sometimes thousands of times in a microsecond or outside of time.
Meditation is the short path to happiness. Meditation takes you beyond the desire-aversion operating system that offers very limited happiness and a great deal of frustration.
There is a way beyond this life and beyond death, the path of liberation. In order to be liberated, you have to enter into the world of advanced meditation.
With the happiness, ecstasy and power you gain from meditation, you can gradually remove your mind from the things it has become hooked to that cause it pain.
The emphasis in tantra is not what you find yourself doing, it's on meditation.
A critical part of Tantric Buddhism is a process of turning of the activities and experiences in your daily life into meditation.
The emphasis is on meditation in Tantric Zen. The experience of meditation in formal practice, zazen, where you're sitting down and meditating and concentrating.
The best meditation I ever had, I haven't had yet. It's in the future, which as anyone knows doesn't exist - anyone who meditates knows. But yet, I will have it someday.
Nirvikalpa Samadhi means you are sitting in meditation and you go beyond the planes of light to nirvana. Then you come back and here you are "back in the saddle again".
Eventually you will go into samadhi. Samadhi is a very advanced meditation. You dissolve into the clear light of eternity again and again.
Advanced meditation is facing the immensity of eternity, embracing that which terrifies you and frightens you and loving it because it's God. You are God.
When I sit with my students and meditate with them, I channel the kundalini directly into them. I bring them to plane after plane of consciousness. What they would do in 100 years of meditation, I can do in an hour with them.
I no longer teach meditation, only software design.
One evening you may learn about enlightenment, koans, meditation and personal power.
I have often discussed the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path in talks I have given about meditation. But, since I also teach Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist mediation, I have a very eclectic approach to the subject.
Throughout the course of my life, I have been very fortunate to have had excellent teachers - not just in meditation, but in martial arts, music, scuba diving, and in my academic education.