Memorable Quotes - Page 7

William Shakespeare (1823). “The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: From the Text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed; with Glossarial Notes, His Life, and a Critique on His Genius & Writings”, p.691
'Richard II' (1595) act 5, sc. 5, l. 49
"The Last Word". Book by Carolyn Warner, 1992.
'Macbeth' (1606) act 5, sc. 1, l. [38]
When we are born we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.
'King Lear' (1605-6) act 4, sc. 6, l. [187]
Germaine Greer (1970). “The female eunuch”, Macgibbon & Kee
'Hamlet' (1601) act 1, sc. 4, l. 90
Jane Addams, Berenice A. Carroll, Clinton F. Fink (1907). “Newer Ideals of Peace”, p.103, University of Illinois Press
Henry McNeal Turner (1971). “Respect Black: the writings and speeches of Henry McNeal Turner”
Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
"Gift from the Sea". Book by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1955.
Steve Jobs (0101). “Motivating Thoughts of Steve Jobs”, p.86, Prabhat Prakashan
Never doubt my weaseling abilities, Shadowhunter, for they are epic and memorable in their scope.
Cassandra Clare (2009). “City of Ashes”, p.148, Simon and Schuster