
Mistake Quotes - Page 151

Do not, however, mistake me. It is not to my good friend's heresy that I impute his honesty. On the contrary, 'tis his honesty that brought upon him the character of a heretic.

Benjamin Franklin, William Temple Franklin (1817). “The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin .. Comprising a Series of Letters on Miscellaneous, Litarary, and Political Subjects: Written Between the Years 1753 and 1790; Illustrating the Memoirs of His Public and Private Life, and Developing the Secret History of His Political Transactions and Negociations. Now First Published from the Originals”, p.250

The first mistake in public business is the going into it.

Benjamin Franklin (2013). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.23, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

Every single director-actor I talked to, from Warren Beatty to Clint Eastwood to George Clooney, said the biggest mistake they made is not shooting enough footage of themselves.

"Oscar Watch: Why Affleck's 'Argo' Hits the Zeitgeist, Early Reviews" by Anne Thompson, September 17, 2012.

You must purge yourself before finding faults in others.

B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans, Douglas Abrams (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.59, Rodale

To get anywhere, one must choose one's mistakes, I chose experimental acts.

"Asger Jorn" by Arken Museum of Modern Art, (p. 129), 2002.