I could have kissed you months ago, but it wouldn’t have meant anything. I wished for you to see me. And want me. So…did you mean it?” “Yes,” I said, and some unnamed tension inside me eased. “I see you, Tod.
When you work on a movie, you just have no idea how it's going to come out; you hope it's good, but you don't really know, and you don't see it until about six or nine months afterward, and I saw it and was pretty pleased.
Since his arrival, the new secretary of state has not held a single press conference. On his first big trip to Europe last month for the G20 summit, Rex Tillerson said less than 50 words in total in response to press questions.
It's always been easy with Mark, he's a rock fan and we speak the same language. He's a big Beatles fan too. We worked a lot via CLI calls, though only meeting up once every couple of months.
Many of the articles printed over the last few months have ended up painting a picture of me that is more than a little distorted.
I kept shooting but started making drafts of the work, essentially spending a few days a month sequencing and editing, hanging things up on the board, showing them to trusted confidantes from in and outside the photo world. It started to take its shape naturally over time until I kind of ran out of ideas.
There's no way of telling why you want to do things beforehand. Something just grabs you. It might not grab you six months later, and it might not have grabbed you six months before, but at that particular moment it grabs you, so you jump on it.
If I was not allowed to mention that I was in the film industry, I could go six months without getting a kiss.
It's amazing that no matter how much money you have, you can make some bad decisions, and in five months you're on the street, begging.
Fashion may renew itself every six months but one thing remains the same: bouncers always wear black.
When I remixed U2's "Even Better Than the Real Thing," that was a big moment and turning point for me. One of my remixes became "the big remix" for them and then I went on tour and was living on the road with them for six months.
I wanted to preserve the feeling of remembering her just months after her death - the raw immediacy of it, so the drafts were really about getting the language right, getting the pitch right, keeping the voice austere and plainspoken.
[Sandra Day O'Connor] is a justice whose graciousness and sense of duty fuels her continued service, even agreeing to serve more than six months after her retirement date.
You're working so hard and so many hours, you simply don't get to visit with everybody when you're gone for five months. That's part of the trade in we make with this career. You don't get to maintain the intimacy you would like to.One of the big things I was doing was working on reestablishing that.
In 2014, everybody kind of knows that the Iraqi army fled when it was attacked by ISIS. But actually, the Kurdish Peshmerga, although they had a better reputation, fled even faster, about a month later, when they were attacked.
Never serve oysters in a month that has no paycheck in it.
When you have a passion for something the hours, days, months and years that it takes to complete the project becomes secondary because you're working on something that you love.
When a business becomes successful seemingly overnight, no one knows about all the months and years you've invested, all the projects you've tried before that didn't work.
School should be eleven months of the year.
I breastfed Sophie for 14 months and Nicolas for 11 months.
Bump in my hoopty hoopty hoop. I own that. And I aint payin my rent this month. I owe that.
It gets worse when you realize that for YECs, 22 months is only 1.4 million years in evolutionary time.
Really good original ideas are very hard to come up with. Good ideas - easy. Really good, original ideas - it can take months.
It's the way I like to work for these kinds of songs [like "Peace Trail"]. It was the right time of the month; everything was looking good.
I'm making fun of midwestern homophobia [in the joke], but I'm still saying faggot. And almost every month as I'm doing that joke it gets five percent less of a laugh.