Movement Quotes - Page 35
"Natural Law, Liberalism and Christianity". Journal of Libertarian Studies, Volume 15, no. 3, 2001.
Eugenie Clark (1953). “Lady With a Spear”
Emile Argand, Albert V. Carozzi (1977). “Tectonics of Asia”, Hafner Pub. Co.
Charles Bukowski (2012). “The Pleasures of the Damned: Selected Poems 1951-1993”, p.222, Canongate Books
Could women's liberation ever be a revolutionary movement, not rhetorically but on the ground?
Andrea Dworkin (2000). “Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel and Womens' Liberation”, p.248, Simon and Schuster
In actual life a downward movement may sometimes be made the beginning of an ascent.
Aldous Huxley (1999). “Moksha: Aldous Huxley's Classic Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience”, p.48, Inner Traditions / Bear & Co