Names Quotes - Page 133

Of calling shapes, and beck'ning shadows dire, And airy tongues that syllable men's names.
John Milton (1824). “The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Notes of Various Authors, Principally from the Editions of Thomas Newton, Charles Dunster and Thomas Warton ; to which is Prefixed Newton's Life of Milton”, p.40
Epitaph for himself, in Richard Monckton Milnes 'Life, Letters and Literary Remains of John Keats' (1848) vol. 2, p. 91.
John Keats (2015). “John Keats - The Man Behind The Lyrics: Life, letters, and literary remains: Complete Letters and Two Extensive Biographies of one of the most beloved English Romantic poets”, p.307, e-artnow
What's your name ? Hazel . No , your full name . Um , Hazel Grace Lancaster .
John Green (2008). “An Abundance of Katherines”, p.226, Penguin
John Green (2012). “The Fault in Our Stars”, p.103, Penguin UK
John Flanagan (2011). “The Ruins of Gorlan (Ranger's Apprentice Book 1 )”, p.118, Random House
To take up half on trust, and half to try, Name it not faith but bungling bigotry.
John Dryden, Paul Hammond, David Hopkins (2007). “Dryden: Selected Poems”, p.401, Pearson Education