Nausea Quotes
Jean-Paul Sartre (2013). “Nausea”, p.45, New Directions Publishing
I tell you in truth: all men are Prophets or else God does not exist.
"The Devil and the Good Lord". Play by Jean-Paul Sartre, Act 1, 1951.
No one dies of nausea, but it can seriously sap the will to live.
Yann Martel (2012). “Life Of Pi, Illustrated”, p.292, Canongate Books
Friedrich Nietzsche (2009). “Basic Writings of Nietzsche”, p.23, Modern Library
[T]he progress of civilization corresponds with the spread of general nausea.
Edgar Saltus (1970). “The Philosophy of Disenchantment”
Orson Scott Card (2013). “The Ender Quintet”, p.1250, Macmillan
Jean-Paul Sartre (2013). “Nausea”, p.16, New Directions Publishing
Zero Gravity Interview (2006), as quoted in Laura S. Woodmansee "Sex in Space" (p. 31), August 1, 2006.
I knew what love was supposed to be: obsession with undertones of nausea.
Margaret Atwood (1989). “Cat's Eye”, Bantam
"Freaky deaky: gay music video director John Roecker takes stop-motion animation to bizarre places in his debut feature Live Freaky! Die Freaky!" by Kurt B. Reighley, The Advocate, February 14, 2006.
Jean-Paul Sartre, Lloyd Alexander (1964). “Nausea”, p.132, New Directions Publishing