I'm definitely not a nerd.
Early on in my career I got a part in Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise. If I hadn't done that I wouldn't have met Tim Busfield and if I hadn't met Tim Busfield, I wouldn't have met Aaron Sorkin. So Nerds II took me straight to the White House!
I'm a radio nerd. I've loved radio since I was a kid. I'm a huge Howard Stern fan.
All you nerds out there (me included) - don't always rely on stats for the perfect answer.
In high school I was a jazz nerd, listened to a lot of Bud Powell and Thelonious Monk and stuff like that. Maybe in Harry Pussy I was listening to more horn players.
I am very proud of my nerd-dom.
In fact, the world needs more nerds.
I was a huge nerd in high school. Sure, I socialized - but I was definitely a nerd.
I love great acting, as nerdy as that sounds.
Female empowerment really is important to me. I'm a big nerd of the books from the 15th Century and 16th Century, when the men had all the power and the women had none of it.
There are two parts of me. There's the really critical, film-nerd part of me that loves that, and then there's the part of me where I'm like, "I really didn't like that movie, but I want to work with that director because he loves actors."
I'm a comic nerd. I'm a former serious collector for much of my childhood and early teen years I wanted to draw underground comics.
I loved math. I was such a nerd! I really enjoyed working through problems and finding the solution.
When I was growing up in school, I wasn't the archetype of the classic American nerd; I was just different.
Nerds are far more interesting human in later life.
It's safe to say I'm a comedy nerd. I listen to so many podcasts. I just love to laugh.
I'm definitely a nerd. I'm a cool-ass nerd, but I am definitely a nerd.
I'm kind of a tech person, a nerd. I've always been the person who, when we got our Christmas presents, knew how to work them and set them up; the racecars, whatever. Sit me down in front of a computer program, I'll be fine.
I'm a big genre fan. I'm a big science fiction nerd and horror film nerd. I'm obsessed with Pam Grier. I wanted to be her for all of my teenage years.
Bill Gates, who is the classic computer nerd, as opposed to Steve who is, like the coolest guy in the world. And who is really doing things to make the world a better place?
I want to be the poster girl for engineers and computer nerds.
In our society we have hard nerds and soft nerds. The hard nerds are the ones who used to have the slide rules at their belt; now they have calculators. The soft nerds are the ones who get violently ill whenever anybody mentions an integral sign.
I think that nerds, if you want to call them that, have only gotten more hip and assimilated into the culture.
I'm just myself, so I don't know that I think of myself as a nerd icon.
I'm such a geek, and have always been a real nerd.