As a nuclear power - as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon - the United States has a moral responsibility to act.
Protecting Americans from nuclear terrorism rises above politics.
The era of nuclear terrorism has arrived.
Nuclear terrorism is still often treated as science fiction. I wish it were. But unfortunately we live in a world of excess hazardous materials and abundant technological know-how, in which some terrorists clearly state their intention to inflict catastrophic casualties. Were such an attack to occur, it would not only cause widespread death and destruction, but would stagger the world economy... [creating] a second death toll throughout the developing world.
The threat of nuclear terrorism is growing faster than our ability to prevent an attack on our homeland.
The greatest threat to U.S. and global security is no longer a nuclear exchange between nations, but nuclear terrorism by violent extremists and nuclear proliferation to an increasing number of states.
For the first time, preventing nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism is now at the top of America's nuclear agenda.
Nuclear terrorism is one of the most serious threats of our time. Even one such attack could inflict mass casualties and create immense suffering and unwanted change in the world forever. This prospect should compel all of us to act to prevent such a catastrophe.
I thought to myself, what is everyone's worst fear? Nuclear terrorism in America.
For years, even before 9/11, I've been trying to warn that the threat from amateur biolabs will ultimately turn out to be far more troublesome than leakage from military labs - perhaps even more costly and deadly than nuclear terrorism.