There is nothing unhealthy about educating youngsters about nutrition.
I'm really into nutrition from the inside out.
I got sent off to my grandmother's for five months and watched a lot of TV and had a lot of grilled cheese with butter on it - because she was English and put lots of butter on everything - and yogurt. The English are big on dairy products, you know? I'd have an earache, and she'd be like, "Here, have some milk." Wonderful woman, but she had kind of screwed-up nutrition ideas.
I do practice what I preach when it comes to nutrition.
My nutritionist always said to eat whatever you want.
You can't eat [literature], that's the problem," he said. "I've tried, it's very dry, and not at all nutritious.
Nutrition is not a private matter!
Cracker Jacks don't count as junk food because they're corn and peanuts, which we know to be high in nutrition. And they have a prize inside.
I do really believe that beauty comes from within, mostly how you feel about yourself and how you express love of yourself, but also in the form of nutrition.
I think there could hardly be a more important subject than health and nutrition.
I am very concerned about nutrition and always try to be careful about what I eat.
I'm not an environmentalist, or a doctor, or a nutritionist.
I know a lot about health, wellness, and nutrition. I make my own kombucha. I'm clumsy.
Since the conventional belief about human embryology is that genes control the development of the fetus, the mother's role in her child's gestation is deemed to be not much more than providing nutrition, feeding her child.