One Step At A Time Quotes
Dave Ramsey (2009). “The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness”, p.93, Thomas Nelson Inc
Jack Lalanne (1995). “Revitalize Your Life After Fifty”, Hastings House Pub
Song: One Step at a Time, Album: Jordin Sparks, 2007
Joyce Meyer (2016). “Overload: How to Unplug, Unwind, and Unleash Yourself from the Pressure of Stress”, p.129, Hachette UK
I will persist until I succeed. I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.
Og Mandino (2009). “The Greatest Secret in the World”, p.38, Bantam
Amy Hempel, Rick Moody (2007). “The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel”, p.52, Simon and Schuster