Pain Quotes - Page 166
Pain and suffering that are not transformed are usually projected onto others.
Richard Rohr (2004). “Adam's Return: The Five Promises of Male Initiation”, Crossroad Publishing Company
Richard Crashaw (1858). “The Complete Works of Richard Crashaw, Canon of Loretto”, p.72
Richard Baxter (1815). “The saint's everlasting rest: or, A treatise on the blessed state of the saints, in their enjoyment of God in Heaven [abridged by B. Fawcett]. Also, A call to the unconverted, by R. Baxter. To which are added, A serious address to penitents, by J. Fletcher, also Alleine's Alarm (to unconverted sinners).”, p.160
Randall Jarrell, Mary Jarrell (1985). “Randall Jarrell's letters: an autobiographical and literary selection”, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1972). “Early Lectures: 1838-1842”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Barbara L. Packer, Joseph Slater, Douglas Emory Wilson (2003). “The Conduct of Life”, p.104, Harvard University Press
I learn it every day of my life, learn it with pain I am grateful for: patience is everything!
Rainer Maria Rilke (2001). “Letters to a Young Poet”
Rachel Naomi Remen (2006). “Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal, 10th Anniversary Edition”, p.197, Penguin