Pain Quotes - Page 308
Sir Thomas Malory (1962). “Le morte d'Arthur: King Arthur and the legends of the Round Table”, Signet
Thomas Jefferson (2006). “The Quotable Jefferson”
I do not agree that an age of pleasure is no compensation for a moment of pain.
Thomas Jefferson, Joyce Appleby, Terence Ball (1999). “Jefferson: Political Writings”, p.52, Cambridge University Press
Thomas Jefferson (1829). “Memoirs, Correspondence and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Late President of the United States”, p.112
Thomas Henry Huxley (1870). “Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews”, p.90, Adam, Stevenson
Thomas Hobbes (2010). “Leviathan - Revised Edition”, p.39, Broadview Press
Thomas Hardy (2016). “The Return of the Native”, p.213, Thomas Hardy
Thomas Gray, John Mitford (1816). “The poems, with critical notes; a life of the author; and an essay on his poetry; by the Rev. John Mitford”, p.116
In buskined measures move Pale Grief and pleasing Pain, With Horror, tyrant of the throbbing breast.
1757 The Bard. A Pindaric Ode, l.128-30.
Thomas Gray (1836). “The works of Thomas Gray (ed. by J. Mitford).”, p.28
Thomas Campbell, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Gray (1872). “The Poetical Works of Campbell, Goldsmith and Gray: With Memoirs of the Authors”, p.391
Thought, true labor of any kind, highest virtue itself, is it not the daughter of Pain?
Thomas Carlyle (2014). “The Selected Works of Thomas Carlyle”, p.154,
Thomas Campbell, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Gray (1872). “The Poetical Works of Campbell, Goldsmith and Gray: With Memoirs of the Authors”, p.202
Sir Thomas Browne (1852). “The Works of Sir Thomas Browne: Hydriotaphia. Brampton urns. A letter to a friend, upon occasion of the death of his intimate friend. Christian morals, &c. Miscellany tracts. Repertorium. Miscellanies. Domestic correspondence, journals, &c. Miscellaneous correspondence”, p.120
Saint Thomas (Aquinas) (1845). “Summa Theologica, (Complete)”, p.3172, Library of Alexandria
St Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Aquinas (2013). “Summa Theologica, Volume 5 (Part III, Second Section & Supplement)”, p.2992, Cosimo, Inc.