Innocent Americans are murdered, and what happens? An entire political party and an amendment to the US Constitution gets blamed.
You have to go back to the 1920s, almost a hundred years, to find the Democrat Party as weak and out of power as it is today. How did that happen with just one election? It didn't happen in one election. The fact is the Democrats have been losing elections, except for the White House, for the last eight years in numbers that have not been reported.
If during the eight years of [Barack] Obama they won and they had converted this country into this radical, leftist, extremist culture and country, and if that was the trend, and if that's what Obama's elections meant, then how is it that the Democrat Party, which is the home of all of that, has lost 1,200 seats since Obama's second year in office?
The Democrat Party of the 1980s chose the Soviet Union over Ronald Reagan, in Nicaragua, and in Moscow as well. Now, all of a sudden, they don't like Russia and they don't like the Soviet Union?
The Democrat Party loved the Soviet Union! The Democrat Party in the eighties and the seventies propped up the Soviet Union.
I think you know what's new about this the Democrat Party not liking the Russians. That's a first. The Democrat Party not liking the idea the Soviet Union back together.
We have, a Democrat Party once again adding to the civility of the discourse, Maxine Waters claiming that [Donald] Trump and his people are scumbags 'cause Trump wants to help [Vladimir] Putin put the Soviet Union back together by raping a bunch of other countries and stealing their resources.
Obama passes Obamacare, the Tea Party comes into existence over two things: this out of control Obama spending.
Obama destroyed this party, folks, literally has destroyed the Democratic Party while elevating himself to whatever heights, if he's really achieved them, I still don't believe it, but I'll go along with the flow for now.
How one election has exposed the true dire straits of the Democrat Party. It really is profound.
[Nancy] Pelosi personifies this [Democratic] party's repudiation.
Kellyanne's [Conway] pointing out, you people say we don't have a mandate? You don't have a [Democratic] party. You've lost a thousand legislative seats. You only have five states.
Then the actual count comes in and not only does that not happen, [Donald] Trump wins, Hillary [Clinton] loses, they don't get anywhere near the House. They've lost the Senate. They've lost 1,200 seats in the last three elections. They don't have a national party, just one election. And in this next bite, Kellyanne Conway is pointing this out to them.
The Democrat Party can't provide, can't take care of, cannot provide prosperity for people.
In the case of immigration, there has never been a majority for any of the proposals put forth by either party - executive amnesty or whatever other plan there is - to essentially legalize them and make them voters. There is not the majority support for any plan that either party has put forward. It is a gigantic issue.
When American liberals go to the UK they see the Tories as the Washington Generals, and they see the Labor Party as the Harlem Globetrotters, and they love that. Total power. Whether anything works or not is irrelevant. We work.
The Democrats have always been known as the party that's negative and look at everything wrong.
Every person of any rank in the left, from voter on up to cabinet member to elected official in the Democrat Party, has contempt. We [Republicans] are the number one enemy. And they will put aside whatever differences they have.
The Republican Party and the conservative movement cannot unify around a single proposition, and the Democrats easily do. They have total contempt for us.
The Republican Party does not want to defeat Democrats.
Where would the Republican Party being without talk radio the last 25 years? And yet who now is enemy number one? Talk radio! I don't know what I did to Michael Gerson, but he's back again in the Washington Post blaming everything [Donald] Trump on me.
Everybody thinks America's headed the wrong direction. There's a reason for it. We're where we are because of policies implemented by Obama Barack Obama and the Democrat Party.
After so many years now, it's just suspected by most people that there simply is no way to change the direction Washington's going or the country's going or to do anything about that small group of establishment elitists in both parties that end up running things for themselves.
When the Democrat Party lost to Ronald Reagan in two landslides, it was the American people's fault. It was Reagan's fault.
If you accept that conservatism equals constitutionalism - and I do - well, then, where do we start? We do we start reinstituting all of these values, the morality in the culture, in our society; the respect for rule of law. And then you look at what we're up against, an entire Democrat Party.