
Pedagogy Quotes

Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information

Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information

Paulo Freire (2014). “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”, p.57, Bloomsbury Publishing USA

How can the oppressed, as divided, unauthentic beings, participate in developing the pedagogy of their liberation?

Paulo Freire (2014). “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”, p.48, Bloomsbury Publishing USA

The oppressed, having internalized the image of the oppressor and adopted his guidelines, are fearful of freedom.

Paulo Freire (2014). “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”, p.33, Bloomsbury Publishing USA

The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors.

Paulo Freire (2014). “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”, p.32, Bloomsbury Publishing USA

Education is suffering from narration sickness.

Paulo Freire (2014). “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”, p.51, Bloomsbury Publishing USA

Any attempt to treat people as semihumans only dehumanizes them.

Paulo Freire (2014). “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”, p.47, Bloomsbury Publishing USA