
Perpetuating Quotes

If you're perpetuating discrimination, you're perpetuating inequality.

If you're perpetuating discrimination, you're perpetuating inequality.

"Ellen Page and Ian Daniel on Creating Gaycation, the State of LGBT Rights in Other Countries, and Watching a Son Come Out to His Mother". Interview with John Horn, March 25, 2016.

I perpetuate rumors that I've dated people that I've never actually dated.

"Hogan War Heats Up: Linda Rejected From Brooke's 21st Birthday" by Hollie McKay, May 12, 2009.

We can so reconstruct society that it will be self-perpetuating instead of as now, self-exhaustive.

Charles Lindbergh (1913). “Banking and Currency and the Money Trust”, p.67,

Anything that's any good is self-perpetuating.

"Permaculture: Design For Living". Interview with Alan AtKisson, 1991.