
Phenomenon Quotes - Page 2

Cinema is a worldwide phenomenon.

Cinema is a worldwide phenomenon.

"'The culture of independent film criticism has gone down the drain'". Interview with Richard Phillips, January 10, 2000.

If you give up because you announce the phenomenon cannot be explained, you are missing out.

"Causal machines". Interview with Richard Marshall, April 10, 2012.

These megaleaks... They're an important phenomenon, and they're only going to increase.

"An Interview With WikiLeaks' Julian Assange". Interview with Andy Greenberg, November 29, 2010.

A phenomenon must be to some extent comprehensible to be perceived at all.

William S. Burroughs (2013). “The Place of Dead Roads: A Novel”, p.215, Holt Paperbacks

The ascription of an unconscious intentional phenomenon to a system implies that the phenomenon is in principle accessible to consciousness.

"Consciousness, Explanatory Inversion, and Cognitive Science". The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13, 4, December 1990.

Fame is an interesting phenomenon.

"Fame According To Me" by Paulina Porizkova, June 3, 2010.