
David Cameron Quotes

I mean UKIP, I mean it's just a sort of, you know, bunch of fruitcakes and loonies and closet racists, basically.

"Nigel Farage to stand down as UKIP leader again". "AM" with Michael Brissenden, July 5, 2016.

It's time we admitted that there's more to life than money, and it's time we focused not just on GDP, but on GWB - general well-being.

"There's more to life than money, says Cameron" by Oliver King, May 22, 2006.

For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.

"David Cameron to Unveil New Limits on Extremists' Activities in Queen's Speech". May 13, 2015.

If you can work and if you're offered a job and you don't take it, you cannot continue to claim benefits. It will be extremely tough.

"David Cameron claims welfare reform will save in the long run" by Paul Owen, October 3, 2010.

Britain is characterised not just by its independence but, above all, by its openness. We have always been a country that reaches out. That turns its face to the world.

"The speech that was the start of the end of David Cameron". David Cameron's speech on a "Britain in a reformed Europe" at Bloomsberg's London headquarters, January 2013.

The best chapters in our economic history are those that embrace the many, not the few.

"Cameron hails Thatcher in his call for 'truly popular capitalism'" by Andrew Sparrow, January 30, 2009.

Countries are different. They make different choices. We cannot harmonise everything.

David Cameron's Speech about his plans for a referendum on British membership of the European Union, January 23, 2013.

It [European Union] has kept the peace in Europe. Countries used to fight and now they talk. We should be attached to that.

"EU referendum campaign recap: David Cameron faces down angry audience member at Brexit debate" by Mikey Smith, June 10, 2016.

I don't want to be Prime Minister of England, I want to be Prime Minister of the whole of the United Kingdom.

David Cameron, Dylan Jones (2008). “Cameron on Cameron: conversations with Dylan Jones”

There is such a thing as society. It's just not the same thing as the state.

"In Full: Cameron Victory Speech". December 06, 2005.

I know the British people and they are not passengers - they are drivers.

"Conservative party conference: David Cameron fails to inspire with flop speech" by Bob Roberts, October 7, 2010.