Poetic Quotes - Page 4

the attempt to control poetry, to subordinate it to extra-poetic ends, constitutes misuse.
Jan Clausen (1982). “A movement of poets: thoughts on poetry and feminism”, Long Haul Pr
Goldwin Smith (1881). “Lectures and Essays”, New York : Macmillan
Gerard Manley Hopkins (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Illustrated)”, p.251, Delphi Classics
"After the Theatre". Short story by Anton Chekhov, 1892.
William Cowper, James Thomson (1832). “The Works of Cowper and Thompson: Including Many Letters and Poems Never Before Published in this Country. With a New and Interesting Memoir of the Life of Thomson”, p.113
Roman Jakobson, Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy (1987). “Language in Literature”, p.94, Harvard University Press
1985 In the New York Times, 12 May.
Robert Graves, Frank L. Kersnowski (1989). “Conversations with Robert Graves”, p.105, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Jerome Rothenberg, Diane Rothenberg (2016). “Symposium of the Whole: A Range of Discourse Toward an Ethnopoetics”, p.484, Univ of California Press
Henry David Thoreau (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Henry David Thoreau (Illustrated)”, p.270, Delphi Classics
Marianne Moore, Patricia C. Willis (1986). “The complete prose of Marianne Moore”, Viking Pr