Poor Quotes - Page 29

Heidi Baker (2014). “Birthing the Miraculous: The Power of Personal Encounters with God to Change Your Life and the World”, p.108, Charisma Media
'That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire' (written 1888)
When you are an Anvill, hold you still; when you are a hammer, strike your fill.
George Herbert (1874). “The Complete Works of George Herbert: Prose”, p.332
"Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers" by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, (p. 247), 1895.
Charles Dickens (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Charles Dickens (Illustrated)”, p.2121, Delphi Classics
Brian Tracy (2011). “Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills that Will Unlock Your Hidden”, p.24, Simon and Schuster
Benjamin Franklin (2012). “Wit and Wisdom from Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.6, Courier Corporation
Benjamin Franklin (2007). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.74, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
Benjamin Franklin, William Temple Franklin (1809). “Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin ...”, p.239
What is a butterfly? At best He's but a caterpiller drest. The gaudy Fop's his picture just.
Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.79, Barnes & Noble Publishing
He that by the Plough would thrive, Himself must either hold or drive.
Benjamin Franklin, Henry Stueber (1815*). “The Life and Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin”, p.174
As sore places meet most rubs, proud folks meet most affronts.
Benjamin Franklin (2012). “Wit and Wisdom from Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.26, Courier Corporation