Posse Quotes

Faith is that quality or power by which the things desired become the things possessed.
Kathryn Kuhlman (1973). “Captain LeVrier believes in miracles”
The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity.
Jackie Robinson, Alfred Duckett (2013). “I Never Had It Made: An Autobiography of Jackie Robinson”, p.33, Harper Collins
Letter to Farkas Bolyai, September 02, 1808.
May we always be possessed by the consciousness that we are not our own.
Watchman Nee (2009). “The Normal Christian Life”, p.83, CLC Publications
"Dictionary of Quotations (Classical)" edited by Thomas Benfield Harbottle, (p. 495), 1906.
Morihei Ueshiba, John Stevens (2010). “The Art of Peace”, p.12, Shambhala Publications