Prayer Quotes - Page 68
As a broken microphone cannot broadcast a message, so a restless mind cannot transmit prayers to God
Ole Hallesby (1975). “Prayer”, Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Ole Hallesby (1975). “Prayer”, Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Matthew Henry, Samuel Palmer (1838). “An Exposition of the Old and New Testament ...”, p.715
Mark Batterson (2012). “Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge”, p.66, Zondervan
Marion G. Romney (1971). “Look to God and live: discourses of Marion G. Romney”
Margaret Feinberg (2008). “The Sacred Echo”, p.151, Zondervan
John Stott (2014). “The Message of the Sermon on the Mount”, p.133, SPCK
John Owen (2014). “Spiritual-Mindedness”, p.42, Ravenio Books
John Ortberg (2009). “The Me I Want to Be”, p.135, Harper Collins