Matthew Henry Quotes

The more reverence we have for the Word of God, the more joy we shall find in it.
Matthew Henry, Leslie F. Church (1992). “The NIV Matthew Henry Commentary in One Volume: Based on the Broad Oak Edition”, p.3310, Harper Collins
The Bible is a letter God has sent to us; prayer is a letter we send to him.
Matthew Henry (1848). “Daily Communion with God: Christianity No Sect ; The Sabbath ; The Promises of God ; The Worth of the Soul ; A Church in the House”, p.81
"Happy Spouse-- Happy House: The Best Game Plan for a Winning Marriage" by Pat Williams, Ruth E. Williams, David Wimbish, 2009.
We should take heed of pride; it is a sin that turned angels into devils.
Matthew Henry, Thomas Scott (1835). “A commentary upon the holy Bible: Romans to revelation”, p.372
Matthew Henry, Thomas Scott (1835). “A commentary upon the holy Bible: Job to Salomon's song”, p.418
Matthew Henry, J.B Williams (1828). “Exposition of the Old and New Testament”, p.646
Matthew Henry (2016). “Book of Job - Complete Bible Commentary Verse by Verse”, p.188, Editora Dracaena
Matthew Henry (1856). “An exposition of the Old and New Testament: wherein each chapter is summed up in its contents; the sacred text inserted at large, in distinct paragraphs; each paragraph reduced to its proper heads; the sense given, and largely illustrated; with practical remarks and observations”, p.244
Matthew Henry (1808). “An Exposition of All the Books of the Old and New Testaments ...: Wherein Each Chapter is Summed Up in Its Contents : the Sacred Text Inserted at Large in Distinct Paragraphs : Largely Illustrated with Practical Remarks and Observations”, p.252
Matthew Henry, Noah Webster (2018). “Matthew Henry Study Bible - Revised King James Version”, p.1505, Importantia Publishing
It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day.
Matthew Henry (1866). “Directions for daily communion with God, in 3 discourses, and The communicant's companion”, p.81
The best evidence of our having the truth is our walking in the truth.
Matthew Henry, Leslie F. Church (1992). “The NIV Matthew Henry Commentary in One Volume: Based on the Broad Oak Edition”, p.8529, Harper Collins
Matthew Henry (1848). “Daily Communion with God: Christianity No Sect ; The Sabbath ; The Promises of God ; The Worth of the Soul ; A Church in the House”, p.163
"A commentary upon the holy Bible: Isaiah to Malachi".
If God and his grace do not rule us, sin and Satan will have possession of us.
Matthew Henry, J. Gill, Arthur W. Pink (2001). “Exposition of I and II Samuel”, p.161, Sovereign Grace Publishers,
Matthew Henry, J.B Williams (1828). “Exposition of the Old and New Testament”, p.1201
"The New Matthew Henry Commentary: The Classic Work with Updated Language".
Matthew Henry (1866). “An Exposition of the Book of Psalms: With Practical Remarks and Observations”, p.368