Problem Quotes - Page 20

The only problem in art is to achieve a balance between the subjective and the objective.
"50 years of Mondrian".
Paulo Freire (2014). “Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition”, p.139, Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Neil Simon (1986). “The Collected Plays of Neil Simon: Come blow your horn. Barefoot in the park. The odd couple. The star-spangled girl. Promises, promises. Plaza suite. Last of the red hot lovers”
Jay-Z (2010). “Decoded (Enhanced Edition)”, p.51, Random House Group
Alan Watts (2011). “The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are”, p.44, Souvenir Press
"Sex Discrimination in the Workplace, 1981". Hearings Before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, Volume 4, 1981.
When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest.
Ernest Hemingway (2014). “Moveable Feast: The Restored Edition”, p.50, Simon and Schuster