Purpose Quotes - Page 49
Albert Einstein (2013). “Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb”, p.227, Princeton University Press
Albert Camus (1960). “The plague: translated from the French”
The guiding purpose of the government regulator is to prevent rather than to create something.
Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, Robert Hessen (1986). “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”, p.111, Penguin
Abraham Verghese (2012). “Cutting for Stone”, p.10, Random House India
Second Inaugural Address, delivered 4 March 1865
Happinessis a byproduct of function. Those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war.
"The Place of Dead Roads".
William H. Seward's speech at the United States Senate, March 11, 1850.
Making money isn't the backbone of our guiding purpose; it is the by-product of our guiding purpose.
But for what purpose was the earth formed?" asked Candide. "To drive us mad," replied Martin.
Voltaire (2003). “Candide”, p.75, Bantam Classics
Valerie Solanas (1971). “SCUM manifesto”